
What is the best way to finance a post-graduate course at a British University?

by Guest60023  |  earlier

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I am looking to study for a MA at University next September. Average course fees are between £3000-4000. How do I raise the funds?




  1. Ask work if they'll sponsor you or at least contribute. However, you'll probably be tied to working for the company after your MA.

  2. If you are offered a place at a university in good time, usually around Christmas time, then they are likely to support you in submitting an application to the relevant research council to cover your tuition fees and provide a bursary (around £11K outside of London and £14.5K within London). Competition is steep for these awards, but the sooner you get accepted onto a course, the sooner you can begin putting your application together.  

  3. There are a few bursaries available but unfortunately, you are pretty much on your own.  I got a small bursary.  Ask the university for details.

  4. Student Finance Direct is pretty good.

    If you live in England you can complete an application form online and they will tell you what you would be entitled to in terms of bursaries and grants depending on the course you are doing and they will also tell you how much student finance you are eligible for.  If you get a student loan, you don't have to start paying it back until you are earning above a certain amount of money annually.

    Check out their website for more information:

    I found them very easy to deal with and very efficient.

    Best of luck x

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