
What is the best way to find a career in aviation?

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I'd like to be a pilot for an airline or a helicopter pilot. I've heard the best way is to go through the millitary (air force).




  1. Yes, the military is one way.  Check with them on what their requirements are.

    If you have money, you can take flying lessons, get your private certificate, then your instrument, then your commercial and finally your instructor certificate.  Then become an instructor, log your hours while you teach students.  Get your certificate for multi engine.  After you have a total of about 2,000 - 2,500 hours, look for a job in commercial aviation and work your way up.

  2. Airline Pilot and Helicopter Pilot are two way different things. Make sure which one you like. I doubt you like or would be happy with both. Military is one way, though In my oppininon not the best. I am sorry not to answer your question but, this question has been asked millions of times. Go to the search for questions and look it up you will find lots of imformation about it.

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