
What is the best way to find out if there is really life out there??

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I mean about life in other worlds.

I just saw the trailer of X-Files 2, which coincide with a date that strang objects appear in a smaal town in my country.




  1. Try paying attention to what NASA is doing, and Google SETI.

  2. Ask an alien. ;)

  3. No man you can't ask an alien, that would be in here.  To find out if there is life out there you gotta call an alien.  Or use flashlight to wave at them.

    But seriously, we'll never know in our lifetime unless they are already here or on their way cause we have yet to find a life bearing planet,  That they've told us about.  OMG!!! The government is probably hiding the truth.  Ya think!!

  4. just keep searching for it. if it's there it can't hide forver. especially from those who are paying attention.

  5. The best way to find out is to sit and contemplate the vastness of space and the millions of Galaxy that exist beyond ours as they speed away from us.  Also think about the law of averages and you will come to a conclusion that there are millions of life forms that are millions and millions of light years away from our own galaxy.  Scientist have calculated that there are as many galaxies as there are grains of sand in the Sahara dessert.   So use your own intellect and you will come to the conclusion that the odds are extremely in favor of life in other galaxies.

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