
What is the best way to find the top 500 retail stores in the country based on sales volume?

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What is the best way to find the top 500 retail stores in the country based on sales volume?




  1. Do you mean:  "Where can I find the top 500 retail companies in the country based on sales volume?"  I would suspect it would be VERY difficult to ascertain what the top 500 retail stores are because I don't think public or private companies have to disclose which of their store locations do how much apiece.  But regardless, I bet nearly all of the top 500 are Walmart locations!

  2. You need to pay good money for that data.  Outfits like Lexus-Nexis does a lot of cash flow profiling based on public tax filings and public company earnings data.  Expect to drop around a grand or so for the first level industry profile report.

  3. Forbes and Fortune magazines publish those lists which are available online. /

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