
What is the best way to find village / country show dates ?

by  |  earlier

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We like to visit village shows and carnivals etc in the N.W. UK

The trouble is there are no good websites that list them.

There are some that try, but they none of them have comprehensive lists.

The local newspapers are also not good at listing them.

I often thought the Red Cross should have a "What's On" page on the net as they attend most of these events.

Does anyone have any ideas as to how to find listings of such events ?




  1. Have you tries your local tourist information board

    If not on there give them a phone call as they usually know what is coming up in your area.

    Sorry, I see what you mean ours is better. If you are willing to pay £40 you can get

    or you can be sneaky and just use it for event names without paying.

  2. usually the local press give dates

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