
What is the best way to fix a sprained ankle if you have to constantly run on it and it rolls daily?

by  |  earlier

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im in the army and we have to constantly run well i am in iraq and serverly rolled and sprained my left ankle. and i still have to run and i am constantly running errands and everything else on it so what is the best way to work it from my standards of living.




  1. have you tried different shoes? or even an different route?

  2. Leave it to the athletic trainer to find a question about ankles. Lol.

    Anyways, first of all you need to use the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) when you have down time. Ice is your best friend for the first 48 hours after you sprain it, then moist heat after that. Since you have no choice but to remain working and running on it, invest in an ankle brace that can easily fit in your combat boots.

    After a week or so of this, on your down time you could do some rehab excersizes. If you have some sort of incline ramp somewhere, do calf raises. Do sets of your toes pointed forward, towards each other (inversion), and pointed away from each other (eversion). Then balance on the injured ankle and do one-legged squats. This helps strengthen the ankle as well as the leg muscles, which will help the healing process go smoother. Continue this, as well as wearing the brace and resting & heating it for about 5 weeks or so and you should be good my friend.

    I hope I could be of assistance. And thank you always for serving our country in Iraq. Email me if you have any questions. =D

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