
What is the best way to get BO smell out of shirts?

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Ok, maybe i should have been more clear for first two who answered - of course i have washed them, but the smell is still there on the some of the shirts - and i would like to try and get the smell out before i throw away a otherwise perfectly good shirt.

Thank you to those who have given a serious answer.




  1. If you washed in the first place you wouldnt smell like BO would you , you smelly little man !!

  2. Add a fabric conditioner to your machine's wash cycle. I have found that cheap supermarket 'own brands' are just as good as the well-known brand leaders and at a fraction of the price. Don't leave completed items in the machine for long periods e.g. overnight, as they will begin to smell again.

    If you then tumble dry the shirts, add a sheet of 'Bounce' before you switch the machine on. (A pack of fifty sheets is quite cheap.) My wife swears by it - but what does she know, as I am the one who usually does the washing? Let her do the ironing, though!

    Hand washing with appropriate amounts of baking soda will also do the trick. Drying on the line in a good breeze also helps.

    I have had perfect results with all of the above and my friends will still stand fairly close to me! Any distance is down to other things such as eccentricity. Honest!

    Happy washing.

  3. The simplest thing to do is get very hot water in a bucket with some really good soap powder, i use Ariel, soak over night then put in the washing machine at 60 degrees for whites and 40 for coloureds, this will give the powder chance to soak in the worse areas and clean any unwanted smells, it works believe me, try it you will be surprised, ignore those ignorant people who of course never sweat or smell,we all sweat in some way or another, good luck.

  4. I'm making a guess that you have washed them on cold or very cool water.  Wash them in warmer water and you should have no problem.

  5. Add 1/2 cup baking soda to the wash cycle (1 cup to top loaders) and 1/2 cup white vinegar to the rinse cycle (1 cup for top loaders) They will deodorize the clothing very well.

  6. Take it off and wash it.

  7. Wash them

  8. By washing them?

  9. Face it, we all sweat and it's very likely that all of us have a favorite shirt that has been worn so many times that is just doesn't smell fresh anymore. Rejuvenate your old favorites, and don't be afraid of stinking up the place the next time you wear them.

    Things You’ll Need:

    Bowl for mixing


    Baking soda

    Laundry detergent

    Washing machine


    Wash the clothing in cold water with your normal detergent. Do not dry.


    Make a thick paste from baking soda and water. There's no real science to this. Just make it thick enough so it's not runny yet thin enough to spread.


    Lay your shirt out, flat on a towel.


    Spread a thick layer of baking soda on both underarm areas of the shirt.


    Let the shirt dry--with the paste on it--for at least 24 hours.


    Rewash the shirt as you normally would.


    Dry as normal and then wear free of smell.


    Tips :

    Don't worry about purchasing brand name baking soda. The generic equivalent will be fine.

    The longer you let your shirt sit with the paste, the better the result you'll have.

  10. wash it silly

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