
What is the best way to get Time Warner Cable's immediate attention and cooperation?

by  |  earlier

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I have finally had the pleasure of discontinuing services with Time Warner due to a move. I moved and disconnected halfway through my last billing cycle, in which my service rate was raised and a charge for a service I've never had to pay for appeared, inexplicably.

Unfortunately, I've dealt with them before regarding unexplained rate increases and it got me nowhere. The customer service is a nightmare. I had to pay.

How do I get TW to take care of this in a timely manner? They are notorious for ignoring customer issues, hanging up on customers, making management unavailable, etc. Other than a letter to them, who else should I forward the letter to, to "light the fire" under TW?

Also, how do I make sure that my service has indeed been disconnected and that collection agencies won't be surprising me in a few months? I know of this happening to customers after disconnecting and paying the final bill.





  1. Go into the office in person and ask to speak to a supervisor, get the persons name that you speak to and call them by name. Then explain the situation and let them know that if they do not resolve the issue you will be contacting the State Public Utilities Commission to file a complaint. Since they are well aware of the fact that you can refer to them by name, you will be more likely to get action on the issue.

    If they don't resolve the issue right then, ask how long they need to fix it. Then if they do not solve the problem...FOLLOW UP and file a complaint with the state agency that governs them.

    You do have CLOUT because the state agency IS an effective watchdog over all utility providers.

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