
What is the best way to get a tan???

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Im kinda pale and i wanna kno wat is the quickiest way to get a tan with-out using anything FAKE......Thanx




  1. There is no best way to get a tan for a pale girl.

    Tanning is not a way tog et colour on the skin as it increase the risk of skin cancer.

    Read up on it at

  2. go on holiday were the sun is x

  3. go to a tanning salon. it does the job w/o the danger associated w/ sun exposure.  

  4. okay, well i understand the whole pale thing,

    i try to get tan all the time,

    and the way thats worked best for me,

    is to put on 30 or 50 if your really pale and go out in the sun,

    lay out on your front side for 15 minutes,

    then your back side for another 15 minutes,

    itll get boring so listen to music or something to keep you entertained, after you do the whole 30 minutes then take a break and go out again in another 5-10 minutes if you want to, make sure the whole time you drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated.

    hope i could help :]

  5. The Sun or a spray on tan.

    I suggest NEVER go to a tanning solon.

    It can invole skin cancer later in life..

  6. lay out as long as you can & try using baby oil ! it works great (:

  7. Well first, it has to be sunny out! And to help me have a tan fast I have a pool so i just relax on water (you know those floating thing) But if you don't have a pool, juste use a spray bottle and every five minutes spray some water over you!.. cuze water acts like a mirror and it will tan faster. Also use tanning lotion that is water proof, but don't use like 30 or 15! I use 5-10!.. And every day at 11h (if its sunny out) just go out side and tanne for about 1h, so that means 30minutes one side and 30minutes the other side!... Oh and if you feel like some parts of you is starting to b like umm... stiff? Well put some tanning lotion on you! That's my technique!.. Hope it helps!

  8. go on holiday =]

  9. go to the beach everyday and wear tanner with spf 15

  10. well im 13 an i go tannig in a tanning booth

    i cant stand the sun so i go tanning in a tanning booth lol

    so u should try tanning for about a week or so its a everyday thing

    an if ur allegiric to anytin dont do tjis bcuz i had a allergic reaction frm the tanning lotoin it got reallyyyyyyy bad so an i itched realllyyyy bad  

  11. jergens tanning lotion. its doesnt turn you orange works like a charm. its 5 bucks at the store

    can u help with mine

  12. go and sit at  beach,without sp15-45

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