
What is the best way to get abducted by space aliens?

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What is the best way to get abducted by space aliens?




  1. Drugs?

  2. Do it in your mind....that's the only way it will happen. The mind can conjer up all kinds of gross looking aliens and can be quite creative in imagining ways for "aliens" to examine you and check you out. Sometimes the mind can make it seem so real that you may actually believe it happened!

  3. Visit the Bermuda Triangle?

  4. Yahoo Answers - pack your bag - you're outta here.

  5. Alright Joey! We abducted you last week, don't you remember?

    I really don't know why we bother.... People don't even bother to remember. You go to all that trouble and this is the thanks you get.

  6. Eating Jammie Dodgers Whilst looking through a telescope .... Aliens have an adiction to Jammie Dogers. !!!!!

  7. meditate,on that purpose and go camping. there is a devise one can use to detect electromagnetic radiation.

    look up prophet ya way,on you tube.he can bring down a ufo through prayer.  yaway yea way i forget how to spell his name.

    lives in vegas. very unusual

  8. Most alien life forms are attracted to aluminum foil and spearmint chewing gum. Wrigley's founder was abducted while wearing an aluminum foil hat before making millions of dollars with Wrigley's Double mint gum. ( He actually stole the idea from the aliens while under observation.) The aliens were pissed that he stole their gum idea and have been busy ever since trying to get the rights to Wrigley's gum business. The problem is they had no intergallactic patent pending and now are doing everything in their power to undermine Double Mints popularity. It was the aliens who created Tic Tac's in hopes of destroying the Gum King. These little pill shaped mints were still no match for the long lasting pleasure of Wrigley's Double Mint Chewing gum sticks.

       So, in conclusion, wear an aluminum foil hat and stand on a hill while chewing spearmint gum and you are more likely to be taken........did I mention the fact that you have to be naked also............

  9. ok this is wat i did go outside at 2:00 in the morning on the dot then say this rally LOUD!!

    FOR U I HAVE COME FORWARD NOW NOW AND ABDUCT ME LIKE A FLYING BIRD!! do this on ur knees and repeart it 3 times goodlucl

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