
What is the best way to get cat urine smell out of carpets?

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My cats are urinating on the carpet and the smell is going all through my house. I have cleaned the carpets and it is still there. Are there any remedies to remove the smell??




  1. oxy clean~

  2. Spray the carpets with vinegar. Or replace the carpet cleaner detergent with vinegar. Once it's dried, hit the carpets with Fabreeze. Make sure you clean the litterbox every day, and pour fresh litter on top.

  3. do this procedure, repeat, and then flush very, very thoroughly with water

  4. If it is specific spots they are hitting, try a product called Urine-off that is available from vets and on-line.  It works better than Nature's Miracle, vinegar and any of the home remedies I've ever tried.  It got me through a cat with kidney failure and housebreaking two puppies.  Great stuff.  Link below.

    If the urine is widespread through the carpet, I suggest having it professionally cleaned and if that doesn't cut it, you may need to have the carpet and pad replaced.  Sometimes it soaks into the floor which requires bleaching the floor or painting it to remove it completely.

    Cat pee over a wide area is a tough problem to solve.

  5. vinegar!

  6. Two things: 1) Go to the pet store and get a blue/black fluorescent light. There are special ones that show where the kitty has sprayed.

    2) Go to the link below and read all the ways you can deal with cat urine including choices of special organic urine erasers that totally remove the stink.

    Oh yes and a third thing--a friend of mine suggested a product called URINEGONE ( ) and said it was the best thing since sliced bread.

    Good luck and I hope you can continue to care for your kitties and that they begin to use the litter box again--are they neutered?

  7. throw carpet away.  use hard floors.  

  8. From  my experience nothing, change the carpet.  

  9. Don't worry there is an easy way to get rid of the smell. First off if you see a fresh stain sop up what you can. Second use Urine Gone on the stain. You can buy it at Wallgreens or Target and it is a life saver! It gets rid of the smell and the yellow stain. However if you have white carpet it can leave a little gray spot, but it comes out easily when you clean your floors and it is a lot better than having a yellow, smelly spot.

  10. Well, I have bought the powdery version of OXI clean at Sam's club. It also comes in the water bottle type. This will not only help stains, but it will also help the smell go away. It's very useful. I've used it on red stains (fruit punch) on a brown carpet. What you do is you mix it (if it's powder) or spray it right on the surface. Let it sit for a little while and then take a white bleachable towel to sop up the mess. Then rinse it out, and then let dry. Vacuum up and then it's gone =)

    OxiClean® Carpet Spot and Stain Remover

    With the same fast-acting cleaning power that OxiClean consumers know and trust, OxiClean Carpet Spot & Stain Remover is specially formulated for the removal of today’s tough carpet stains. The carpet stain removal solution leaves no soapy residue and dries completely, so it can be vacuumed away.

    OxiClean Carpet Spot and Stain Remover removes difficult stains such as:

    Wine stains

    Coffee stains


    Greasy Foods

    Its oxygenated power even works wonders on cleaning pet stains, cleaning deep into the carpet stains and removing carpet odors. OxiClean Carpet Spot and Stain Remover is available in two convenient removal cleaners.

  11. well, after you DEEP clean your carpets, put on some febreeze on your carpet :]

  12. Get rid of the idiot cats and replace your carpeting.  You'll be glad you did.

  13. Burn down your house =).

    Shampoo you carpet and buy "urine gone" it works great. And box train the cat

  14. Remember, a cat’s sense of smell is fourteen times stronger than that of a human. This is why it is so important for you to thoroughly clean the urine spots. Even if you can’t smell it, your cat probably still smells the urine in the carpet, and this can make them want to “re-mark” that spot over and over.

    To remove the smell of urine from just about anything, first clean it with some sort of soap or kitchen cleaner. Then clean it with lemon juice. If you don’t like the smell of lemon juice follow it up with a little bit of vanilla extract. One of the most effective formulas I’ve found for removing ANY odor was from Popular Science Magazine. Mix 1 quart of Hydrogen Peroxide, with 1/4 cup of Baking Soda, and one tablespoon of liquid dishwashing soap. Saturate the affected area, rinse thoroughly with clean water, and the smell is gone. This is non-toxic and safe for your animals and children, and those with allergies. This is especially helpful for removing skunk odor from your outdoor animals. As always, test a small portion of fabric for color fastness, before treating a large area.

    What Won’t Work… There are many home remedies for treating pet stains and odors, and let me stress that most of them are not too bad as far as removing odors for humans’ noses. Vinegar, ammonia, baking soda, laundry detergents, lemon juice, fabric softeners, and commercial strength pet stain removers are all great for removing the odors that humans can smell. However; you will need more to remove the odor for your cat’s nose. An enzymatic cleaner is the best answer, but it is slow and may take more than one application, (Nature’s Miracle is one of them). The Hydrogen Peroxide/Baking Soda combo is fast, but can alter the colors of some fabrics. In the end, you must decide which application is best for your situation.

    Even if you clean a pet stain with soap and water certain micro-organisms remain behind and your pet can smell them. Enzymatic Cleaners are designed to completely eliminate the source of the odor by using enzymes to eat away the micro-organisms that cause the odor. The one drawback to these cleaners is that they are slow; it could take several weeks for them to completely eliminate an odor. Enzymantic Cleaners are available at most pet stores, organic/natural/health food stores, and even some hardware stores. You can also ask your vet for suppliers.

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