
What is the best way to get faster at running?

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i really want to get faster for both track and cross country in cross country i want to run a 5k in 17min or less i run it in 19 something right now i run about 33 miles a week at least at about 8miles per hour or more i want my pace to get faster without getting tired and maintaining it there. I way about 170 lb im 5.10 in height as for track i would really want to get my mile

from 6min to 5min or less i ran a 6min mile like two months ago ever since ive been pushing my self harder to run faster.

ive been timing myself as well please i want some help.




  1. If you want to get more comfortable going faster you have to train that way.  I was a sprinter running sub 11 seconds in the 100, yet I could run a mile in practice in 5:30 rather comfortably. It's all about the way you train.  The way I explain it is when you start to get tired go faster.  It's hard yes, but your muscles have a memory so when you're tired they want to slow down.  Instead, you make them work harder to go faster or at the very least maintain speed.  Eventually your muscles will get used to being taxed in this way and you will begin to fatigue later in your run.  Of course this is easier said than done, but hey Track and Field is a painful sport if you don't like to hurt stick to football or baseball.

  2. hill workouts. they are what they sound like. sprint full-out for 10 sec. up the steepest hill you can find, then jog for a little bit and repeat. you can find tips at

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