
What is the best way to get fat?

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I've tried to get fat but i can't. I feel that i am under weight and people always confuse me with being 8th or 7th grader. I'm 15 and just started school. i weigh 100lbs . how can i gain 15 lbs. in 2 weeks? HELP... plz =)




  1. No, I refuse to answer this question because it's just horrible. Did you try to lose weight when you were in middle school?

  2. eat high fatty foods

  3. i just turned 17 and

    am 120 lbs.

    and people say im chubby.

    just be happy with your skinny self

    one day you'll add pounds and youll miss

    this skinny time,

  4. you're 15 girl...let your body be for a should start worrying about weight when you're 17 or 18...also, gaining 15 pounds in 2 weeks is not healthy at'll just gain fat, and fat isnt pretty!!! people will start confusing you with an 8th grade fatty should just worry about being healthy...and, when you turn 17, you'll see that its better if you're skinny...some of us are not skinny and would give anything for being skinny...

  5. That's really not healthy. Gaining 15 pounds in 2 weeks means that you are going to have to eat all sorts of stuff that is horrid for your body and cramming all that in is most likely going to cause you side effects such as acne. So unless you want to start school feel bloated, flabby and with a face full of pimples, let your body work how it is supposed to.

    I am 23 years old, 5' 5" and 105 lbs. I am definately in the underweight category despite the fact that I eat more than anyone I know. I have been dealing with this since I was about your age and having everyone tell me that I look like a little kid. I recently started teaching middle schoolers and on the first day of school (despite wearing professional attire) several of the teachers that hadn't met me thought I was a new student! Most people still place my age at about 17. So trust me. I feel your pain.

    However, it is also really nice sometimes. I get lots of comments from women who are jealous that I look younger and that I have never had to worry about what I eat or working out. Every boyfriend I have ever had has loved that I have been so small cause they think it is cute (despite being so thin I don't look unhealthy because I eat normally so I don't have the nasty side effects from an eating disorder charactersitic of a lot of people my size. I just have a small bone structure.) And I am always extremely happy that when I go out to eat and all my friends who are trying to keep their weight down are browsing the "light" entrees, I'm going all out for the biggest, greasiest, tastiest thing I can find and I have absolutely no concerns about whether my clothes are still going to fit the next day!

    Most likely because you are still so small at 15 you will always be on the small side. Look at your parents. If both of them are small for being male or female then you have an extremely good chance of being small yourself. I know it drives you crazy now becuase you are still at the age where you want to look older but seriously, in about 5 years you will be more and more happy that you look younger than you do. Think about it. Would you rather look old for your age and be happy for 5 more years or suffer through looking young now only to be happy about it for the last 70 years of your life? Be happy with what God gave you! Millions of women would do anything to trade you places and I promise you will appreciate it in 5 years or less. Good luck with school!

  6. brewing yeast. It has a lot of vitamin B, too. It will make you gain

    weight in a week. Either buy at pharmacies, as supplement, or in any

    place which specializes in brewing. Three pills a day/three tablespoons a

    day - depends on the product, and you are there. Good for bones and

    hair as well.

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