
What is the best way to get in touch with my Native roots?

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I'm have Native American ancestry (Navajo, Shawnee, Cherokee) how can I learn about my Native ancestry?




  1. read up on the nations

    clear your mind cause natives are very spiritual (believe)

    attend a pow wow,they are beautiful and fun.

    how much native are you can you prove it,you can obtain a tribal card .

    ask any of your relatives or elders.

  2. just type in the name of your ancstors (like cherokee) on google or the yahoo toolbar, and all kinds of stuff will pop up. i have done that a few times. now, i know my ancestors gods :) it will take you to websites about where they started out, how they lived, when and where they moved. you'll just have to look around, theres tons of websites about us :)

  3. You can start here, You will fine many links.

    List of Native American Indian Tribes and Languages


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