
What is the best way to get interested in a book?

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The book that I read I got to like half of it then I am just not in the mood to read it anymore. So is there and good way to good more interested in the book I am reading?




  1. If you're reading for pleasure, then just don't finish it. No reason to waste your time.

    If you're reading for a class, you shouldn't be focused on how interesting it is, but what you need to draw from it as a reader. Look for the tings you are going to need when you write the paper or whatever your assignment is.

  2. try reading it really quickly.....the faster you read a book, the faster paced the book it gets more interesting.

    otherwise....try to find an issue in the book that you want to know the end result to and use that as your motivation for reading the book.

    keep telling yourself "if i can get through the first half, i can get through the second half"

    hope i helped.

    Can you please, please, please, help me???;...

  3. If you arnt interested yet, I doubt you will be. Look for a book that you've heard was good...or start reading the back of the book, before you buy could even ask the person at the store to recommend some to you.*

  4. read it.  

  5. u should hav read the last page  after u read the description then hav started on the first page and so on

  6. Yes, there is. I hate to say it, but I can't remember the person who said this in a YA question once. But he gave very good advice. He said to stop at the most interesting parts and go and do something else. Even though it may be boring, try to find the most interesting thing you can and stop at that point. Then, a little bit later, your curiosity will get the best of you and you will continue reading. It's great advice.

  7. That happens to me a lot... sometimes I actually go back and read it when i have nothing to do. The best thing is to actually have interest in a book. I always like browsing through because it shows ratings and how other people liked it.

  8. You either care about the outcome of the book or you don't. If the writer's done the job, then you care. If you really want to retain interest, then invest some kind of emotional value in finishing it. Here are a few suggestions:1. join a book club or study group that includes this really hot girl you want to impress with your insightful comments into the book. 2. Make a bet with someone that you will finish it by a certain time. 3. Promise your mother that if you don't finish the book by a certain deadline, you will do some ungodly chore for her (rain gutter sweeping, dusting the attic, etc. 4. Promise a buddy that if you don't finish the book by a certain time, you will eat a cockroach, date his sister, go bunjie jumping with him, etc.

    Ok, that about covers human motivations: s*x, money,  familial affection and fear. If those don't work, you're on your own.  

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