
What is the best way to get into a mental hospital? I'm 13 and I need to tell my parents...?

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Please help me I am a freshman at a very good private school and I am 13. I need to go to a mental hospital. I am suicidal again(I have been for 6 years) and a few months ago I got very serious about it but then got better and now it's as bad as ever. I also cut. I have been cutting for 8 months. I have depression too. I am also addicted to pills like vicodin. Please how do I tell my parents? My life is falling apart and I need help. They don't really know about any of this..They know of my suicide attempt 6 years ago but don't know about the a few months ago where I tried to hang myself. I told my mom about 6 months ago about my cutting and she just called me stupid and was so mean about it. I don't think she told my dad. It was never brought up again. My school found out I was cutting last year from a friend of mine and they didn't do anything. How do I tell parents who are in denial about this and that I need to go somewhere because I can't handle this anymore....




  1. try  speaking with   any adult  such as  a teacher, clergy, aunt, uncle also  please  call   the  hot line 1-800-suicide   they  have counselors  that  will point you in the right direction  and the line is always open  please please  seek help    an you already took the 1st step by admitting you need help  good luck

  2. Call 911 and say u r suicidal and u want 2go2 a mental hospital they will come and get you and take you to the nearest one....

    ur parents wont help you so you are going to have to help ur self.

    call 911 is scary but if ur gonna kill ur self ur life is on the line and that is nothing to play around with.

    Ive been to 6 mental hospitals and i will tell you it is just a safe place they cant fix you all they do is keep u there for a week and you color and watch movies and see a doctor once a day, they put you all these meds and send u out...

    if u r addicted to pills and cutting then u need to go to a rehab./ residential treatment center while u r at the mental hospital ask about going to a residential treatment center, they will be able to help you more and give you the right counseling

  3. tell them you need to goto the hospital there they will do a psych eval and see if you need to be admitted

  4. speak to your school guidance counsellor, that will make your parents realise

  5. Look in the phone book, there are crisis numbers you can call.  They will help you get help.

  6. A counseller, doctor or an adult you trust. A doctor can assess you and if necessary admit you.  Maybe you just want attention, love and  friendship. Have you tried writing down what is positive in your life and what is negative? Try to focus on the positive, suggest to your parents you go for a visit somewhere that you've wanted to go to. Friends can help a lot as well, ask someone would they like to meet for a chat and a coke etc.  

  7. Talk with the most sympathetic teacher you have or, better yet, the school counselor.  They will help you with what you need to do.

  8. Because your parents didn't take you seriously when you told them you were cutting, I think you should turn to someone else you trust. I'd recommend your school counselor. Those people are experts at helping people just like you, and they are always very nice and extremely understanding. He/She will most likely help you more than your parents are willing to. You can also turn to a friends' mom, or a help hotline for suicidals. Always look on the bright side; you've got plenty to live for.  

  9. In the worst case, maybe you could contact the mental hospital yourself?

    Your parents are definitely in denial, I don't know how well it'd work if you tried talking to them, but like the others said, contact an adult at your school you feel you could talk to, like a counselor. Good luck!

  10. Tell your guidance counselor at school (or a school psychologist) that you are feeling like hurting yourself. They HAVE to take you seriously then. Don't talk about cutting -- tell them about your suicidal thoughts.

    Good luck.  I hope you get the help you need.

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