
What is the best way to get muscles for a 5 th grader or 10 years old ??

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  1. Well, you shouldn't try to bench your max, because your muscles aren't fully developed, but benching low-weight, high-rep will definitely help a lot.

  2. Play outside, play football and excersise for 60 minutes a day.

  3. um ur still young but i would try to lift weights and do push ups and i guess talk to a coach

  4. weights 20 lbs each 40 reps a day

  5. If this about yourself or someone else. The answer is that there simply is no way to build much mass at the age of 10 or for a fith grader. But to build as much mass as your body will alow is a long process. Your or someone else`s body is still at the point in which your bones are still groing so no matter what anyone tells you. You should`nt take on weight training if thats what your getting at so the best thing to do is alot of calethstetics and endurance training like push-ups sit-ups chin-ups running in place, jogging. Deal with the weight of the body first. Weight training should not be used for you until you reach age 13 at the earliest maybye 12. Until then listen to what I have told you and plus eat things high in protein to ensure the highest rate of mucle build up which again isnt that much because you are or whoever are to young to build alot of mass.

  6. This advise is coming from my 5th grader who has muscles.

    Push ups, sit ups, join a sports team. Army crawl, run or ride your bike.

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