
What is the best way to get my 9 year old to do his homework?

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What is the best way to get my 9 year old to do his homework?




  1. The way you make him do ANYTHING.  Reward him when he does well, punish him when he doesn't.  

    I don't mean HIT him or anything like that.  If he doesn't do his homework, tell him he can't watch TV or play on the computer, something like that.  Simple!  

    If he DOES his homework without being told for a month, buy him a little something that he's been wanting.  Not a BIG thing -- after all, he SHOULD do his homework -- but rewarding good behavior is important.  

    I WISH my parents had been a little stricter about me doing MY homework -- my grades sure would have been better.

  2. a) You can punish him or take something he values away from him until he does his HW

    b) you can tell him and give him a reward after he does his HW

  3. That if he doesn't he will grow up like this father! :-)

    Seriously, it should be the first thing to do when he comes home from school. Don't allow any other activities or distractions. Remind the child how much better he or she will feel knowing that their homework is done right away so they can enjoy the rest of the evening with the family without worries.

  4. Probably watching him.

    *EDIT: Spelled watching "Washing"

  5. Take him to the best part of town andask him if he would like to live here then tell him that he needsagood education to get here.

    This is the most important part.. make talk time for him.

    when my daughter was two years old I started  reading to her.

    When she got older she would read to me. then one night she said daddy could we just talk tonight..

    My daughter is now 17 And I still go in sit on the floor next to her bed and we spend 5 -10 minutes every night talking about her day. This is our talk time . I don't pry  into her life . She just tells me because I listen. i know about every thing that happens in her life because I dont judge I just listen.

  6. I'm not expert as my kids are only 5 and 3.  Anyway, you could try to have a deal with him.  Using something you know he likes to do, such at play on the computer or watch a particular show, or go somewhere in particular, you could offer that for every half an hour he spends doing his homework, or every completed homework session he earns time towards doing the thing he likes to do.  You could make a chart or something.  I would also say that he should do the homework after being home from school for half an hour or so, after having a snack or whatever, and before dinner.  Give him positive encouragement, such as "I know you don't always like doing your homework, but I know you can do really well at it so lets try and get it out of the way so you can enjoy the rest of the night" etc.  Hope this helps.

  7. Well you could try by allowing him to take a break form school and then you can find ways too make his homework look fun to do.

    Like make it look like something he enjoys doing and reward him when he completes it.

  8. Make sure there is a quiet specific place for him/her to do homework. And then set aside a specific time when they are required to be there doing homework, and a specific period of time they are to  be there (or until it is finished of course) such as a half hour, forty-five minutes--whatever is appropriate in your situation. Make sure it is a time when you are available to help if needed.  If they finish their homework, you should require that they have a book to read or something like that (not the computer).  This should be an iron clad rule. And if it is not followed (goofing around, not there the whole time, etc) there should be a punishment. I use spanking. But whatever you use as punishment in your home.. Do not use being able to skip the study period as a reward for good behavior. You need to keep the schedule.

  9. My kids are 9 in two weeks. I say "do your homework" they say "okay" then they do it. Simple

    I don't get all these people saying reward him or bribe him. As an adult you don't get bribed for doing your work. Homework is a part of life, not something to be rewarded if you do it

  10. try a belt!

  11. Be close by while he is doing it and hold him accountable. Also, give him motivation to do it. My parents would make my brother do his homework as soon as he got home. My mom would watch him while she made dinner. Then she would tell him he could go outside and play if he got it done.

  12. no activities until hes done with it, meaning no tv, no games, no freinds til its all done

    if that dusnt work, do it with him * not for him* but he will either get so annoyed that he'll do it himself or he'll do it faster cuz ur bonding with him

  13. make him realize how lucky he is to be in school because lots'a children nowadays are traded or force to work instead of letting them fully realize their right for sister does the same....until now,,,,she is really stubborn...but on your case it is just your kiddo i did the same when i was a grader

  14. give him an incentive such as allowing him to play his games when he is done and you have checked it all for errors.

  15. My oldest daughter (11yrs) totally this likes doing homework..but I have found if I take interest in what it is she's doing by sitting down beside her going over things and explaining what I did when I was her age or having her read out loud to me, eating a snack while were doing it..just changing things up a bit from how shes had to do it all day long.  

    I sometimes have her bring it in the kitchen when Im cooking and will ask her to read it out loud to me so I can be apart of it.

    Im forever telling her wow thats interesting how does that work or what is that story about you would be surprised what your children will do when you become apart of something they dislike.

    Another thing I did was went and bought cool new pencils and erasers, markers etc. that she can only use at home for homework its something different that she has enjoyed.

    I feel like by taking a little time out to spend with her doing this its made her understand its important to get it done but its also nice because we share a few moments together.

    By nagging at her and making her go off to her room she got nothing done - now I feel like shes made a huge turn around with just a little effort on my part.  I know were all really busy but you can never get this time back with your children so I try to enjoy each minute I can get in.

    Good Luck to you.

  16. He either does his homework or he gets nothing. No Tv, no toys, no snacks, no nothing. He comes home he does his homework. If he doesn't; then he takes a bath and goes to bed. When dinner is ready he will eat and back to bed. Also, since he doesn't want to do homework bust his butt, push-up (about 30-40) and since he can't give you want you want then he doesn't get what he wants. Even if you send him to bed with no food he needs to know. As parents we work hard and we provide the best for our Kids. Going to school and getting good grades is an necessity.

  17. You could buy the book from amazon, 'Moving from punishment and reward to love and reason' might help, I forgot the author.

    Also try to help him understand that many children his age around the world have no chance of learning to read and write or of achieving, they are too poor to go to school, they have to work and labour very hard to feed their families. He has every opportunity right now to makes what he wants of his life, to take his education anywhere he wants to. Perhaps showing him some charity brochures or a book of kids around the world etc may help?

    My kids sponsor an orphan, it costs £25 / month, we get regular updates and he is about the same age as them, so they can also see how fortunate they are.

    Perhaps your childs school could link up with a school in a poor country eg bangladesh or tanzania, that way the children will see how blessed they are to have access to good education and resources. That may monitave him to do homework?

    Lots of schools are linking up in this way now.

    Good luck

  18. The only thing that worked for me was getting my child to start homework within 10 minutes of getting home.  If you wait too long and let them play or watch TV, they get out of the school mode and dont want to do homework.  Doing it shortly after getting home while they are still in school mode worked for me.

  19. No TV, no computer, no games, no privileges at all, and he does not leave the house until the homework is done.

    Works for me.

  20. sweets and suger or her fave tv show

  21. First where does your nine year old do his homework. Find a quite place like the kitchen table. Tell him he not leaving the table till all his homework in done. You also need to take all of his thing away from him. Tell him that he will get them back a soon as he shows that he has learned from his ways.

  22. punishment..with things he truely likes to do. my son just turned 10 and i have the same problom sometimes!

  23. candy? hehe

  24. bribe him or tell him if he doesn't do his homework pokemon will come from under his bed and eat him

  25. Set him down at the dinner room table and he sits there until it is done or bed time. Do this every night until he gets it that he has to do his homework.

  26. The cane. Or you could say I'm taking the tv away and until you've completed all your homework to a satisfactory standard you will not be watching the Simpsons ever again. Then if he slacks off after he's got it back, do it again, and again, and again until he realises that it's easier just to do the d**n stuff.

  27. 1 hr of hw in exchange for 1 hr of tv

    or mayb they dont have that much homework

    then 30 min of hw in exchange for 1 hr of tv

  28. my parents always bribed me with money, they said 10 bucks if i managed to go to school the whole week with homework done

  29. You are the parent. You make the rules. Tell him that you want his homework done before he does anything and if he does not want to do it than you have to come up with a punishment for him.

  30. I have an 11 yr old in 5th grade. He knows in order to keep things he enjoys (tv playing comp or video games) things like that homework is first. If he/she doesnt do the work take those things or whatever they are interested in for a cpl of days @ a time to start.

  31. WOW... forgive me for criticising, lol... I didn't make it through many of your answers before feeling like you needed an real honest one.  

    So do any of you posting answers even HAVE kids...oh my Lord.  (Please for any of you that posted real answers... I don't mean you.. like I said, I didn't make it through many answers before deciding to post)

    I have 3 boys.  Two in private school.  You can't beat a kid into learning.  Bribing doesn't always work and often backfires, lol.

    I will tell you what I did.

    First off I found out from our pediatrician that kids need a snack when they come home from school to 'wake them up' so to speak... to give them a lil energy.

    So... I let my kids pick out after school snacks... yogos, apples, cinnimon bread (weird huh... but they love it), celery, bananas, etc.  The only time they can have this stuff is right when they get home.  In the beginning we allowed NO tv, but over time have allowed them to watch tv while sitting at the kitchen table (you can see our living room tv from the kitchen).  But they can only have it on if they do stay on task.  I first give them about half an hour and if they aren't almost done by then the tv goes off.  It really does help sometimes to sit with them.  Depends on the kid.  One of mine does much better on his own while the other needs to have someone with him.  Let your kid have snack and sit at the table.  Watch how much he/she comes home with too.. we had a teacher one yr that sent home about 2-3 hours of homework per night.  I finally told her that I would allow 15-30 min and would then cross the rest of the homework out.  I told her he was to get A's on what was crossed out and be graded appropriatley for what he had done.  I wasn't the only parent to lay down the law and it only took a few days and it was dropped to 10 min a day.   At nine yrs old they should only be expected to do at most 30min per night.. period.  If they are getting more than that I would question the teacher.  If you are doing all that work at home, what is she doing during the day.

    I would just suggest to set a routine.  You would be suprised how much a kid looks forward to that afternoon snack, and it helps turn their brains back on to do the homework in the first place.  I would sit them at a desk or table...somewhere without distraction that puts them in a position to learn... i.e. back straight with a table for good posture... this will keep the blood flowing literally and keep them more alert.  After they have that down if they ask to watch tv while they work simply tell them that they would have to stay on task... You would be amazed.  That way you aren't really bribing them.. they are earning it through trust and respect.

    i hope this helped some... Good Luck!!!!

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