
What is the best way to get my husky to remember his name?

by  |  earlier

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i want to get him to know his name...elvis..he's starting to respond but he doesn't really quite get it plz help me.




  1. Huskies tend to be quite stubborn and independant lol That aside, keep calling his name when you're around him and if he responds by looking at you praise him with a "Good boy, Elvis!" or a treat or something that indicates positivity with his name....he'll eventually get it! Good luck =]

  2. Keeping on using his name. Calling him and rewarding him...he will soon learn.

  3. It takes time.  Just keep calling his name whenever you give him a treat, or his food or water.  Just keep repeating it everytime you talk to him.  

  4. You just have to keep using it over and over.  You can start to use his name and give him treats when he respons to it, but ... with their name, I usually just stick with verbal praise and petting when they respond.  After all, his name is not a command he has to follow.

  5. keep calling him by his name and then as soon as he comes reward him for it i got my dog TeddyBear to come to me by saying his name really fast like TeddyBear TeddyBear TeddyBear in a real hyper voice then i gave him kisses when he came thn i threw his toy and hollered his name again he learned it in a day:)) i hope this helped:))

  6. I love the personality of a husky. They are so sweet.

  7. Just keep calling him by it.He will eventually realize that that's his name.

  8. TIME. Just keep using his name when you're talking to him or trying to get his attention. When I got my pet she had a name already but I don't think she quite knew it was her name so we had to keep repeating it to her. It'll take awhile but he'll eventually get it.

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