
What is the best way to get over a disappointing loss?

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errors as in missing the line 1-2 inches




  1. i have lost to someone i know i could have beaten. I felt lower than dirt that day and was very mad. To pick urself up u should keep training and just put the loss in the back of ur mind. Think of all the good matches u have won and ur hardwork and determination. Tell urself that u can always beat them next time. That's what i did and it made me feel better.

    PS i was up 5-1 in the first set and lost the match 7-6, 6-0

  2. KFC

  3. by using a big disapointment to motivate you to do better... work on where u went wrong, focus on the things you should have done different...

    motivation is always the key

  4. First of all.. rule number 1 in tennis, regardless of how great a player you think you are, never ever underestimate anyone of your opponents!!!! It's utter nonsense and foolish of you to suggest that you are by any means better than your opponent, even if you are rank higher than him or possess a game that is better than him.

    Just take Justine Henin as an example. When you see her on the court and then judge her by the way she looks, the fact that she is soo much shorter and smaller than her opponents, which can be signs that says she obviously must be weaker, and then you look at what she was able to do, given her obvious disadvantages. That shows you that it does not matter what the opponent looks like, how strong or weak you think they are, or how lower they are ranked from you. Unlike many other sports, tennis is not simply a game of physical power. It's 50% physical and 50% mental. You should never ever forget this as well.

    Okay I am not saying this to be mean. Listen carefully and remind yourself of this. I know it hurts to lose a match that you know you should have won, but pay attention and be wiser next time.

    Once you have understood everything I have said to you thus far, then I would tell you, the best way to get over this lost, is to get your butt back on that practice court and start to improve you game, both on a physical and mental level. Once you get your head screwed on properly, you would see that your game will fall into place!!!

    Have a nice day and cheer up!!! It's only one lost and besides, trust me when I tell you that this is not going to be the last time you lose a tennis match in your lifetime. LOL

  5. Well, I don't mean this in a rude way but you're making a lot of excuses. Eating, not warming up, not practicing first. If this is a player who you are more skilled than theory proves you should beat them.

    When I started I had this problem though. Sometimes I felt like I didn't need to try against players who were less skilled but often I'd end up getting beat. Which can be infinitely frustrating! But the truth is that I lacked the motivation to really show my real tennis. I made excuses to justify why I held back but in reality I just didn't try hard enough.

    I end up saying this a lot but you need to concentrate. Every match is worth your full concentration. You should try breaking the match down into strokes and focusing on each shot rather than... "Oh well I ate too much so I'm slow" or "He's really not that good, this is boring I'm not going to try" etc. Instead you need to focus on making every stroke the best you can possibly do.

    Get some passion back in your game! Even if the player dinks it doesn't match your skill level it can still be challenging (as you can now tell). You have to focus and make good strokes, every shot. Tennis isn't won by skill level or by statistics.. it's won by making every shot your priority.

    That will help with getting over errors or losses as well. If you are focusing on the next hit you start to forget about the score or that bad serve in the 2nd set, what have you.

  6. go on and get a bigger win!! nothing is better than that.....

  7. I see you are aware of your problems. That's good. The best way to get over it? Train more. You need a little help with your mental game too. Train more, when your brain goes, your body will be so trained that it will carry you the distance. I am a coach. I coached my daughter and she played pro at 14.

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