
What is the best way to get over a fear of horses?

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I haven't been on a horse in over 10 yrs, well now we own one. I was never afraid before, but now I am overly nervous when I am on her. I used to trail ride and now the thought terrifies me. I never had any accidents to bring this fear on.




  1. Well, you were probably young and fearless then.  Something happens to us when we get older, have children, jobs, responsibilities.  The idea of getting hurt is not so easily remedied.  Can you afford to miss work?  Who'll take care of the kids?  It HURTS more when we get older (the ground really does get harder as we age - laugh-)  I used to ride anything, anywhere.  It's insane the places I would ride horses. Now...I'm scared to death to trail ride.  It's scary out there...deer, quail, dogs, and yes, I'm afraid to fall off, even though I haven't in years. Maybe the longer it goes without falling off the more fearful we get?  It's been probably 8 years since I've come off, but I'm not over it even though I ride often. In the arena.   My rule of thumb...I won't take any horse between the age of 3-6 out on the trail.  All my trail crashes have been on horses in that age group.  Well all my falls, period.

    don't know if that helps, but I know a lot of people struggle with it.  

  2. dont worry, i have owned horses my whole life but after my barrel horse Buck died 3 years ago, i lose interest in them and we sold all of our horses except 2 of them which are pasture pets and dont really ride

    My mom bought me a spirited QH for my graduation present this year and i was really nervous about even leading him or petting him

    after a few weeks of riding him in an enclosed area, i started to slowly regain my confidence and now i ride him everywhere, esp bareback

    Just give it time, spend a lot of time with her and really get to know her, go on short rides like around your house, in the pasture stuff like that, have someone else walking around with you as you ride her

    take it easy and you'll regain your confidence  

  3. thats strange you randomly got a fear...

    just tell yourself you have no reason not to trust the horse..

    also, remind yourself that the horse is a flight-animal and its trusting you so you [not being a flight-animal] truely have no reason to be afraid..

    just ride all the time wherever you feel comfortable until you get your groove back.

    good luck and have fun!

  4. just tell yourself that if ur scared so is the horse...just keep riding him in like an arena or something everyday andhopefully you will build up trust and eventuallly go on a trail ride...i ride my horse barabck and no bridle!!

  5. spend more time around them and you will get used to them and you are the boss not them ok

  6. It sounds to me like you might be afraid of the unknown. Since you've never had a mishap with a horse before you might be anticipating something happening, which it will if you ride long enough. I would suggest eliminating as many dangers as possible. Have a trusted friend lead the horse while you're riding in order to boost you're confidence and if you're horse is good about lunging, ride her on the lungeline. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a having someone lead or control your horse for you. It is easier to have to swallow your pride now than to get going and get really scared to where you won't ride at all.

    Also ride in an enclosed arena with good footing. Just knowing that you're horse can't really get away from you can ease the tension a lot. Make sure you wear a helmet and if possible go buy one of those body protectors. I think just by knowing that your protected could help you a lot. I know some of that stuff may seem silly and may make you look like a little kid but its about the sense of security they can give you.

    I'm not sure about you're experience level, but go out and take a few lessons. A trainer will help you and your horse work better together and can give you the skills to handle any situation. Plus if you're horse isn't very well trained, lessons will allow you to gain better control of your horse and make it a more dependable mount.

    All in all, just take it slow and only do what you're comfortable with. We all get the butterflies at some point. Today I got on my TB for the first time in 3 months since I've been off at school. I was so nervous, but I have taken it slow in the past and know that I have the skills to handle any situation. Plus I've fallen off so many times and have found that I can survive and now its not nearly as scary as it used to be. Good luck

  7. I think as we get older, we develop fears that never existed when we were younger...I don't know about you, but when I look back on all the crazy/stupid/daring things that I did, I can't believe I surived through some of it...I used to wear nothing but a swimsuit and take my horse at a full gallop down the gravel road  with nothing on him but a hay string around his neck...we ran into bears, moose, deer...never once was I scared. Now I'm just more cautious and a little smarter than I was back then (although, I still love to ride bareback, just not in a swimsuit haha)...I'm unsure of your age, but I know that when I became a mom, I naturally became more that might just be it, maybe not...spend some time getting to know your horse...bring her treats, talk to her, pet her, walk her around with you...get comfortable with her on the ground before moving to her back. I don't think that anyone can disagree that it's always more comfortable to ride a horse once you have taken the time to get to know them...

  8. Just don't interact with it at all.

  9. dont ride her yet then...just go in her stall and spend time with her...get to know her b4 u ride so you can gain a trust with her and that in return will have her trust you

  10. if shes new to u mayb that way and the fact of the large margin inbetween.. spend more time with her.. do other things beside riding... play games, groom, walk graze... anything... ull feel better once u guy rly know  eachother... and horses rly tell the diffrence they will know who u are.....  

  11. Ask someone if they can walk on the ground next to you. Maybe you could ride the horse after someone else ride it so that it is tired.  A horse can tell if you are scared and that will only cause problems.

    Also, try to create a bond with the horse. Go out there and play with it in the pasture and do some ground work to boost your confidence :)

    Good luck!  I really hope you find the fun in riding again :)

  12. You may never get over that fear completely.Try looking at your fear moor as just being  a little moor caution ,witch defiantly comes with wisdom and age. We all know falling off and getting hurt means time off work,and who can afford that.I believe a little bit of fear would be normal when dealing with an animal that is bigger,stronger and out weights us by far ,specially  when its been 10yrs. since the last time you road.. If you really have a Passion for horses and want to over come the fear, I would suggest taking riding lesson from someone who will help you work through your fears,or better yet a one on one trainer that will personal help you on your own horse.Just go slow and really get to know your horse and let your horse get yo know you,the fear should start to sub-side as you both get to know and trust each other. good luck .Debbie

  13. Do not get on this horse again, till you really get to know your horse, okay.

    halter the horse, go on long walks together, talk to the horse, get to where you are very comfortable....go in the stall, take an apple, cut up,feed the horse and really get comfortable..

    horses know when we are scared and they can sense this, it can put the horse in a state from you, and your horse then will not be comfortable around you.

    when you start to relax, saddle the horse up and only ride in a close area to the barn or house, about 30 mins a day, then increase the time you ride each week or every 4-5 days, soon you will be back on your horse all day and doing trails again..

    take it slow, let the horse know you are there for them, and the horse will be there for you as well,,become buddies and watch the fear go away just like a bad dream, have no reason to fear, just came on, that's okay, just remember, you use to do this all the time, 10 yrs off a horse can do this......relax, take it easy and welcome back to the horse lovers section..

    have questions, ask us, we are happy to help you

    breathe, relax, eat an apple and give your horse one also, breathe

    good luck

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