
What is the best way to get over losing a $5 bill?

by  |  earlier

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I work hard for a living. Get up early and go to bed late. I believe in this country and support the troops. So I am especially upsest when I know I had a $5 dollar bill in my pocket, only to discover later that it was missing. How in a country like this, could something like this happen? This is not the kind of America that I want my kids to be a part of. What should I do? This has really been bothering me, I haven't slept for days.

Thanks for your help.




  1. I lost two 20 dollar bills when i was like 8 in a car. My mom gave it to me when we got in the car. When i stepped out i didnt have it. We searched the car for 2 hours and never found it.

  2. I lost a 10 dollar bill probably on the floor of El Polo Loco restaurant. When I reliazed it had fallen out of my front pocket, it was already scooped up my someone.

    i know how you feel.

  3. The best way is to show you have good character and work hard to earn that $5 back. I've had many valuable things of mine stolen, and to this day I still have the same boiling anger as I did years, months, weeks ago...

    But honestly the one thing that really worked for me was to earn it back - and move on. There's things you can't control (other people's actions) and you just kind of have to deal with the fact that not everyone is like you, has the character like you do. They may have your $5, but at least whenever they decide to grow up - you'll know you already did.

    Just don't spend the rest of today, tomorrow, or next week unhappy. It's better to learn from your mistakes so you can prevent something like that from happening next time. Just try to do that, or find a positive message out of this rather than negative. Who knows you may find a $20 bill tomorrow laying underneath your car's tire at the store.

    Just be optimistic and learn from your mistake - it's the best way to deal with something like that.

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