
What is the best way to get people to buy things for my son's school fundraiser?

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What is the best way to get people to buy things for my son's school fundraiser?




  1. tell why it is necessary

  2. Don't feel pressured to participate - that's rule number one. :-) I usually avoid those fundraisers like the plague, since a lot of it is way overpriced for poor quality stuff. Instead I go ask my children's teachers if there is anything specific that they would like for their classroom and get that for them instead. Or I volunteer my time at the school. Another option is to just write a check out to the school or a certain department (i.e. science, music,...). I wish all schools would do, what one writer mentioned and give you the option to just donate the money instead of participating in the fundraisers.

    Now I do spend a lot of money at the schools bookfair's and if a child is doing a fundraiser for something specific, then we will support that, but in general, I try not to do them. It's especially hard for us military families, that are away from home and all the people you know are families with children in schools and their own fundraisers! LOL

  3. Make sure the fundraiser offers a quality product at a competitive price.  I'll often pass when I see the order forms float around the office mainly because the selection falls under the heading of 'clutter' in my mind.

    A truly successful fundraising effort can be had if three tenets are followed: edibility, disposability, repeatability.  Sweets, such as M&Ms and homemade brownies fall very well into all 3 categories.  I can eat them, they don't come with a 'decorative tin', and I get hungry every day.

  4. I would say so much commercial fundraisers for school sell junk for a high price. so, why waste my money.  products like Hersey bars for a dollar, some scratch cards for $10 or less, offer deals that are a good value that anyone will buy. the rest, sorry. don't knock on my door.

  5. tell them it is for a good cause and my son is the future of america. so if the school is not good and then americans can not be proud of our progress in our schools which will make america dumb because our people!!

  6. You buy from them they buy from you!!! Fundraising is a nightmare that never goes away....My kids schools quit fundraising this year, and just started asking for a one time a year donation.  I love it! nothing to sell. all we do is write one check and it is over!!! Good Luck.

  7. We're in the same boat.  Start with family and friends and tell them to pass it along.  Also, take it to work with you and ask coworkers that have kids.

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