
What is the best way to get ready for braces and after you get them

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What is the best way to get ready for braces and after you get them




  1. I had braces for about a year and a half. They really arent as bad as people make them out to be. I do have a high pain tolerance though. The first step is the spacers which are blue band things they put to obviously space your teeth for the metal bands that will be on your back molers. Those stay on for a week then come the braces. What I did and what worked fantastic was to take a motrin, tylenol, advil, or whatever you take as a pain killer. My mom suggested that to me and it worked like a charm. Take it right before you leave for the orthodontist or in the car on the way. By the time they are on(which does take a couple hours fyi) you shouldnt feel a lot of pain. Sure you might feel so pulling and tugging when the doctor is applying them but that is all natural and the pain should stop within the hour of getting them on. For the first week or so I took a pain killer everyday just to make the pain subside if there was any or even just to make sure there was no pain. I will warn you it is hard to eat things. Soup,mashed potatoes,mac n cheese, are all good things to eat. Ice cream is good too. haha and plus a good excuse to eat ice cream! If you feel anything is lose go to the orthodontist before doing anything, as in pulling moving to make pain go away etc. You will be seeing your orthodontist a lot for the first couple months so get familiar with him or her. It does get exciting actually with the different colors for bands and changing them for Christmas, Thanksgiving, halloween,valentines day etc. So if you know a holiday is coming up go ahead and get those colors! It is also really neat to see how you progress. For example going from crooked teeth and a messed up jaw structure to beautiful perfect teeth straight out of a magazine :D <----- your smile looks as perfect as that when the transformation is over. i hope this helped a lot. you will be fine and if you ever have questions email me at my yahoo acount( i will be glad to help. happy smiles  

  2. The best thing to do to get ready for braces is enjoy your life without them!  Trust me, you'll forget what your teeth feel like without braces, because I have after a year and 7 months!  And I can't wait to slide my toungue over them and feel nothing but my teeth rather than metal.  So, I'd say, eat Laffy Taffy's deffinately have some corn on the cob, caramel apples, anything that you can't eat with braces.  I took that for granted, but I haven't been able to do that since!  Have fun!  Braces eally aren't bad :)  You'll come to love them   hahaha  

  3. brush your teeth good it will get harder to brush them once you get braces and it is goo to get in the habit. I would recomend using a spin brush and water pic  also use floride once a day.  (I didn't start out doing this stuff but now i do)

    it will be painful the first couple days so eat things like ice cream, jello, ect.

    you will want to take advil or some kind of pain reliever right  after you get them on (before it starts hurting bad)

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