
What is the best way to get rid of a dead hamster?

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  1. Bury it in the ground. I buried mine in it's hamster ball.

  2. bury it in a pot  - it won't stink :) I  have a very big pot for my dead hamsters... in this way it will remain in your memory for ever and every time you look at the pot :)  good luck

  3. Put it in an eco-friendly box and bury it.

  4. wrap it in tissue, but it in a cardboard box and bury it, and make a mini gravestone. That' swhat ii did with my baby rabbit :)

  5. Bury it in your backyard.

  6. Put it in a small box and bury it.

  7. Bury the poor little guy, I hate people that throw animals in the trash, its like you never really loved it..

  8. bury it

  9. take your hamster and put it in a small box and bury it somewhere special in your yard and you can even buy something like this...

  10. My dad brought mine to the vets :L

  11. Don't flush it!

  12. i put wrapped mine in a plastic bag to avoid exposing germs, the i put a tiwl over it and put him in a shoebox. it was winter so the ground was frozen, so i just put it in a forest

  13. 5 minutes each side on the barby, deeeelicious.

  14. EAT IT!!!!! YUMMY!!

  15. Aww! I'm sorry to hear your hamster died. When mine died I was so sad! If  I were you I would get a box. Then put in its bedding. Then Put in some of its favorite food. Then put in its favorite toy. Then write a message for him and say good- bye. I know its hard but its life. Nothing lasts forever. Bury the hamster under a tree. mark it with stones or a sign.

    Hope this helps. :-( tear

  16. Sorrie 4 Your Loss.

    When My Guinea Pig Died I Laid him in a  bright colourful shoebox that was just the rite size. I taped the shoebox with masking tape And i put a carrot in the shoebox with him coz that was his favourite thing. I dug a hole in my backgarden buried him REALLY deep then i Put 2 BIG stones over it so nothing cud dig him up then I put lots of leaves down and planted a tree. Yerr I Loved My Guinea Pig I had him years

         R.I.P CHESNIEEE X

  17. dig a hole. put the little hamster in  a little hamster sized coffin. the the coffin in the ground. put the dirt over the coffin....

  18. I buried  my hamster. I think it's the best way to get rid of it. Then you will remember you little friend and she won't just be thrown away like garbage. (Unless of course your hamster was an evil little one and you hated it then you may want to throw it away)

  19. The best way is to bury your hamster in your backyard. In case you do not have a backyard, you can wrap it in lots of plastic bags or papers, seal it in a shoe box or small cardboard box and put it in a garbage bin (though it is practical, it sounds too impersonal and I personally would not prefer to do this). In some cases you may have to determine what caused the death (If it was old age then there is nothing you can do) However if the hamster died from wet tail, you may have to follow extra precautions to prevent any other hamsters in the house from getting it, and you need to thoroughly disinfect the cage and everything in it.

  20. Trash can.

    Better yet...give it a Viking funeral. Put it on a boat, set it on fire and send it out to sea.

  21. if you have pooper scooper scoop it up or put gloves on and scoop it that way.

  22. bury it.

  23. Trash Can? Thats what I did....

  24. bury it in the garden

  25. creamate it

  26. dress it in a lil tux and put it in a mini coffen. then as everyone else said....bury it.

  27. Someone said that if your older to just throw it away... but thats lame.

    I'm 20 years old and my first hammie died about a week and a half ago. I live on a college campus so we couldn't bury her here, so we took her to my boyfriend's parent's house and buried her in the backyard. I personally think it's the best way to deal with it.

    If you really don't care though (as sad as that would be :( ) then you probably could just throw it away. But that's really really sad.

    When you bury it (or I hope you do!!) make a little cross or tombstone and put his/her name on it. Put bedding on top of her grave. It's all biodegradeable anyway. :)

    Good Luck and sorry for your loss :(

  28. bury it and put i stone over it saying the animals name on it.

  29. Wrap it in a small cloth and bury it.

  30. If you are a kid, or have a kid, and the hamster dies...  Did a hole and have a funeral...

    - or - "Take the hamster to the vet."

    If you are older, there is nothing wrong about double wrapping it in a plastic bag and putting it out with the trash.

  31. When I was about 12 my hamster died, so what we did was we got a shoe box that we didnt need anymore and we put him inside and taped the box shut. We got a shovel and just burried him in a dirt area in our backyard. A little childish maybe but its a good solution.

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