
What is the best way to get rid of a debt collector that does not show up on your credit report?

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What is the best way to get rid of a debt collector that does not show up on your credit report?




  1. Is the debt actually yours?  How old is the debt?  

    If the debt is over 7 years old (wouldn't show on your credit report) and past the Statute of Limitations (SOL), the timeframe to bring lawsuit (check your state: send them a certified, return receipt letter requesting they cease and desist all contact.  Point out that the debt is beyond the SOL.  They have to stop.

    They will probably sell the debt to another collection agency and you will have to send the new collection agency a cease and desist also.

  2. I sent an email to the company I owed money to telling them that the debt collector had threatened my life (he didn't), and that if anything would happen to me or my family I would not only sue the company, but him personally. Both the company and the debt collector phoned to apologise to me and then they extended the time available to pay the debt as compensation

  3. cease and dessist letter...send it to them via registered mail.

  4. If they have validated the debt as valid and yours... I would send them a letter agreeing to pay if they agree to not report - have them sign it and then pay by money order.

  5. first, check the laws in your state regarding the statute of limitations of old debts. If the debt is no longer valid per the limitation, send the debt collector a registered letter asking them to send you details of the debt. (samples of these letters can be found on the web (google - debt rebuttal letter).

    The creditor would have to prove the debt is still valid before they can persue you for payment, if it is not valid, they must cease requesting a payment from you. Know your rights.

  6. Debt collectors do not usually appear on credit reports. Only those to whom you owed the debt.

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