
What is the best way to get rid of a hangover quick?

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What is the best way to get rid of a hangover quick?




  1. sleep, greasy food(fast food),  

  2. It depends on how old you are.  When I was younger, sleep and a greasy meal was great.  Now that I'm closer to 30, I find that the best thing to do is to drink an entire glass of water right before going to bed (or waiting to sleep until I'm a little more sober).  In the morning, I'll continue to drink water and/or ginger ale and I'll take an Advil.  Don't take Tylenol since it has acetaminophin, which is really hard on the liver.  Then I'll eat something that's not greasy, but is really filled with carbs, like bread, crackers or pasta.  

    Just remember that a hangover is caused by a lack of water in your body.  If you were on a desert island and you were dying of thirst, it would feel a lot like a hangover.  So drinking plenty of water helps!!  

  3. 1) Rest

    2) Proper hydration

    3) Eating foods that allow the body's cells to work better (salads, seaweed, etc.)

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