
What is the best way to get rid of a mole in my backyard?

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There is a mole (or a vole) in my backyard. Each morning, I wake up to a new set of tunnels pushing up through the grass. What is the best way to get rid of this mole? Bonus points if the method doesn't involve killing it.




  1. whip out the shotgun or

    a more humane way would be to call an exterminator

  2. I've been using Castor Oil Granules for a couple of years.  It works really well, it's organic, and moles hate the smell so they simply move on.

    I have to reapply it when I see a new hill, but that's it.  I get from 6 months to a year before I see another fresh hill.

  3. I had a similar problem with moles and they went away over time.  I can't give any advice on catching it, but if you ever catch it and feel like torturing it (but don't want to kill it) then force it to watch "P.S. I Love You."  I know, it's a bit a cruel, but he'll never come back.

  4. my freinds dad just shoots them with a paint ball gone it is quite funny but scince u dont wanna kill it get a kat trap and put somthing it eats in there the only prob is i dont know wut it eats  

  5. show it your face. just kidding, try sneaking up on it and hitting it with something

  6.   I've been told to rid your lawn of moles, simply buy several of those little windmills that are meant for children. Stick them in various places where you have seen mole tunnels...when the wind causes the windmill to turn , a whirring sound is heard by the mole underground & he will leave your place. Good luck

  7. GLAD TO HEAR YOU DO NOT WANT TO KILL IT.  They really mean no harm.

    "Plant" a large soda bottle.

    YES, really, dig a whole, and "plant" the bottle with the neck just high enough above the ground level so that the soil does not fall in.  Not so high, though, that the grass cutter hits it.

    It may even be good to put a small "flag" next to it, if you have children who like to run bare foot on the lawn.

    MOLES HATE SOUNDS.  So, any breeze causes a very slight "whistle" in the bottle, which the mole hears, and they go away to a quieter existence.

    It really works.  You can not hear the sound?  That's OK, the moles hearing is MANY times more sensitive than human hearing, I know, my uncle was one.  :-)

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