
What is the best way to get rid of a stuffy nose?

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Every night before i go to sleep, my nose is always clogged with whatever is in there. no matter how hard i blow into a kleenex, it just never finishes the job. So i need some sort of remedy that you guys might know about getting rid of a stuffy nose. I will even try out old wives tales just to get rid of this pet peeve of mine. Thank You!




  1. afrin clears up anything instantly, i swear by it

  2. The most common way to get rid of a stuffy nose is to use an over-the-counter (OTC) decongestant combined with an anti-inflammatory analgesic (pain reliever) like Ibuprofen.

  3. If I were you I would try Clearguard.  It's an all natural supplement that clears out stuffy noses and it does really work.  They actually guarentee it to work in 3 days or less or they'll give you all of your money back.  A lot of people use it for allergies (which is one use of it) but it says that it works not matter what the season or the reason.  Even though it's from Nutrilite which is the number one vitamin and supplement company in the world, you won't find it in stores, so if you would like to check it out and buy it you can go to  If you do order it just keep the paper that comes in the box and that way if you decide it's not for you, then you can send it back free of charge and they'll refund your money :)

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