
What is the best way to get rid of fleas. Have a new pup need to get rid of fleas fast. ?

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  1. You don't say how old the pup is but a quick and safe way to kill the fleas is to bath the pup in warm water with regular Dawn dish soap. Start at the neck and work to the tail. This is what we do at the shelter with pups and kittens. This will only kill the fleas though not the eggs. You will need to remove those with a flea comb.

  2. Go to an animal hospital, and they sell a product called Frontline. I reccomend it..

    You should check out this site for some more info.

  3. We do a first bath with Dawn dish liquid. Don't do this ofter, however with an infestation on the dog, this is a quick way to kill if not all then 99% on the dog. Be careful around the eyes and lather everywhere else. We do this all the time, then use a comercial dip like Happyjack. Then we use Advantix.

  4. I would take the pup to the veterinary. It depends on how old the pup is in order for you to use medication such as frontline and for it not to harm the pup plus you do not know the dosage. Fleas spread rapidly so make sure they are not in your home. Once they spread it's hard to get rid of them.  

  5. You can get a pill called CapStar from your vet that will kill all the fleas within 30 minutes. Follow that up with Frontline or something similar but you can't neglect the environment or no flea treatment will work. Treat your home, carpets, furniture, bedding, outdoor areas, etc. and don't forget to throw out the vacuum cleaner bag.  

  6. flea food at petsmart or any other pet store also flea shampoo

  7. get em a flea collar it is easy and effective

  8. A flea bath will kill any fleas on the puppy. You can use regular dog shampoo, but remember you have to let it sit for at least five minutes in order to kill the fleas.

    You still have to treat the rest of the house for fleas. Fleas will go onto the dog for a meal, but they live in carpet, furniture, bedding, etc. And you need to treat the yard too, as they are everywhere outside. You can use flea bombs, powders, sprays...

    Flea collars do NOT work. They may protect the neck for a little while, but the fleas will just be on the rest of the body.

    Depending on the puppy's age, it would be a great idea to start monthly flea treatments. Advantage, Advantix, and Frontline are the best brands. Make sure to read the minimal age they can be used on, and always get the correct dosage. You can get these products at the vet or the pet store.

    Fleas can jump on people, but they prefer other animals.  

  9. Get the dog to the vet in the morning to be diped and bomb the house with a flea spray. Also call the breeder and let them know. Many states have laws regarding selling pets with pests such as fleas and worms. EYWEY!

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