
What is the best way to get rid of fruit flies!

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i have tons of fruit flies in my kitchen. i have removed all the fruit. I can't get rid of them!! Help!




  1. My family just had the same problem. All you have to do is fill a cup 3/4 full of vinegar and leave it on your counter top. they'll be gone in no time!!

  2. These are probrably Drain Flies.Moth flies (Drain fly) are small flies, about 1/8th inch. They are usually black, but may be brown. The key identifying trait for this fly is the unique pattern of veins in its wings.Drain flies: breed in drains, sewers, septic tanks and soil that has been contaminated with sewage.

    Fruit flies: can be spotted around fresh fruits/vegtables, rotting fruits and vegetables, drains, garbage and damp organic materials.

    Phorid Flies : are found in sewage contaminated soil, garbage, drains, human cadavers, rotting vegetables and fruit, garbage as well as damp organic materials.

    Sphaerocerid Flies: may be found in manure, damp organic material, drains, rotting fruits and vegetables and garbage.

    You will need to call a pest control company, unless the state you live in allows the selling of chemicals, if they do, I recommend Invade Bio Drain Cleaner.

    P.S.  A few fly traps wouldnt hurt either.

    Good Luck Froggy

  3. You need to get rid of all accessible food, not just fruit, rotten or not.  Fruit flies are attracted to anything.  Also, fruit flies are attracted to the build up in drains, so you may try cleaning yours.  I know the inconvenience, but everything needs to go in the fridge, or they never go away.

  4. Good start with removing the fruit.  Have no trash in the house.  Run water through the sink, turn on the garbage disposer if you have one.   The flies are attracted to light, so at night put a tv or night light in the kitchen and turn off all of the lights except a night light or tv in the kitchen.  The light will draw in the flies so you can kill them. The flies only live a day or two, so they should begin to die off.  

  5. Peppermint and bug spray.  Most flies are repelled by the scent of peppermint.  If this doesn't work, try bug spray.  Good luck.

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