
What is the best way to get rid of head lice?(Non-time consuming if possible)?

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Any quick solutions? Thanks in advance.




  1. Ok..Im an Lpn

    Mayo does not work. Not at all, its oil based, all it will do, is help comb out the nits a little better...But its  not worth the time.

    Either go to walmart and buy the Nix shampoo, and comb out gel, or call your doctor, they have a great prescription shampoo that works good to.

    Get extra combs, and every time you wash your hair, for the next several days..comb out, and just keep combing for days, after your brush it..each time you do this, you will be getting nits out..even nits you wont be able to see.

    Ok TEA TREE OIL, KILLS nits and eggs also....I pour a teaspoon in each bottle of shampoo I buy and shake it real good, and it prevents you from getting head lice also.

    Sometimes i use more then a teaspoon, I pour half the bottle of tea tree has a strong smell, but kind of like peppermint...but I can promise ya...if you do this with each bottle of shampoo you buy, from here on out, and everyone in your household will do this...You wont get head lice anymore.

    We got it like 4 years ago...from my daughter at school...and we use tea tree oil, like clockwork, each time we bring home a bottle of shampoo we pour half the bottle of tea tree oil in it..and NONE of us have had lice since...and my daughters enttire class had it this  year, except for her.

    It really does.

    You can get the tea tree oil at walmart or any pharmacy..just keep it in stock in your home.

    You can even use it, straight instead of the nix...but to get rid of it good....I would use the nix and comb out make sure...and then start the tea tree oil....and continue it forever...

    I promise it works

  2. There is no quick solution.  You have to treat with Nix and thoroughly comb out the nits.  Keep checking for nits and re-treat in the 7-10 days as directed.  The CDC website has great info.  I wish you the best of luck- these creatures are a real pain.

  3. yea medicated lice terminator medicated stuff liek "Nix" which u can find at walgreens and such. one   CAN'T  use regular shampoo stuff to get rid of lice u need goo quality medicated lice remover products.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. you can shave yourself bald

  5. The quickest solution is to shave your head.

    Keeping your hair inevitably involves shampoos, combs, washing bedding...

  6. When dealing with head lice not only should you treat the head but also ALL your bedlinen, towels, clothes.

    Otherwise, no treatment can work.

    You have to take drastic action.

    What you need : vinegar, kitchen plastic wrap and anti-lice chemical to put into your washing machine,

    I do not think that a quick solution really exists. What you need is a solution that works.

    What I used for my kids and this really worked : vinegar

    I would treat the WHOLE family at the same time (even if dad or mom or brother didn't have any lice)

    1)Wash the hair properly then imbibe the hair with pure vinegar.. massaging the roots, without forgetting the tips. The whole surface.

    Wring out the excess vinegar.

    2) put some cotton into your ears and around your forehead near the edges of the plastic wrap (some of the vinegar may dribble down).

    3) Wrap your scalp+hair with kitchen plastic wrap and let it be for a few hours minimum e.g. a whole morning, longer if you can stand it.

    This may sting a bit.

    Make sure you don't get the vinegar into your eyes.

    Afterwards, shampoo again, rinse properly.

    In the meantime :

    You can buy some special anti-lice chemical (brands are different from one country to another) that you just add to your washing machine. You can find this in any good supermarket or pharmacy.

    If you do not want to use this, just stuff all (4) into dark coloured garbage bags, close them tightly and leave them be for a week e.g. in your garage. Lack of oxygen and light will eventually kill eggs & lice.

    (4) Take all bedlinen, towels, bathrobes, clothes and wash them, using your normal soap + anti-lice product. If you have a dryer, put everything in the dryer.

    No need to boil as this chemical does the work instead.

    EVERYTHING should be washed and dealt with simultaneously (at least on the same day) for it to be effective.

    That way you do not only kill the lice but also the eggs whether on your head or on your clothes because lice, lice-eggs come into contact with all these.

    PS.: I don't know if there is a kind of epidemic in the class or school or not but... everybody concerned should do the treatment the same day otherwise, a treated child will go back to school, come into contact with one who hasn't been treated and the cycle starts again.

    To get rid of lice you need DRASTIC measures and I can testify to that.

    What I did, I would go to the school, talk to the teacher, We would then contact all parents and fixe a day to do the treatment. Any untreated child would be send back home. The parent who didn' want to treat his/her child was not allowed to send him/her to school.

    This realy worked.

    Lice is like a plague : you have to treat everybody to be effective.

  7. mayonaise ... fully wash your hair with it... there is also a shampoo that you can buy at your local pharmacy

  8. This is about as fast a remedy I have ever found.  Denorex Shampoo - contains Coal Tar (this formula only).  Shampoo your hair with it, keep the lather on during your shower.  It will tingle and it smells pretty bad.  It will kill the critters that are alive.  Comb or brush your hair with the lathered shampoo on your head and rinse.  You can see the dead ones go down the drain.  Do this daily for about 3 - 4 days, then skip every other until you are lice free.

  9. I believe there is a very good product available from Chemist stores.sorry i do not remember the name ,ask chemist.Cheers

  10. quick?

    shave your head.

  11. The quickest way is to use a medicated hair wash, and comb. you have to kill the cycle: adults, baby's and eggs. wash your sheets, hats and sterilise combs. There are ways that involve less chemicals but take more time. You could shave your head but that's time consuming, but at least the problem won't re-occur....

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