
What is the best way to get rid of muscle tension?

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I have had a very stressful week,and now my muscles,especially the ones in my neck,shoulders,and back are very tense-I even had a pulled muscle in my side that I believe was caused by this.What is the best way to get these muscles to relax.I know massage is good,but what is something I can do on my own?




  1. Stretch, take a hot bath, ice your neck, take something like phytoprophen

    or your favorite over the counter meds.

    Stop eating sugar, caffeine and carbs which add to inflammation.  Do whatever you find relaxing.

    Meditate, walk, exercise, rest.  Learn to say no and take care of yourself when you are under stress.

    Do self massage things like rolling on a tennis ball or medicine ball.  Use a massage tool like theracane to do triggerpoint work.

  2. You probably a little low on potassium or magnesium or even calcium but another way is to get some warm towels just a little wet heat them in the microwave take some advil and relax with some soothing music for  awhile and see if that helps some

  3. heat is for relaxing muscles and ice is for tightening them up. Use heat like a hot shower or sauna..  

  4. Your body is probably deficient in magnesium, most ppl are and don't know it. I reccommend that you start with 250 mg, then work up to 500. It is so great for combating stress.

    Then I would read the serenity prayer and meditate on it at least every morning and nite. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

    You can get a very pretty copy on line free, just google it and put it somewhere that you will see it. You know.........."you are what you think"

    So give your self a lot of credit and pats on the back. Be kind to others and sometimes they will return the kindness but it usually comes from others. What goes around comes around and the kindness will come back to you.

    I been there dear, hope you get to feeling better, if not i would go to your family dr. and get something for it, depending how severe it is. Lots of huggs.

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