
What is the best way to get rid of plague in between one's teeth?

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I brush, floss, and use mouthwash twice a day on my teeth, but yet, for some reason i still get a lot of plague build up between my teeth. Does anyone know a good way to remove it?




  1. one of those picks that the dentist uses. You can buy them at any store like target or walmart.

  2. The product got good reviews on

  3. Zylitol is a very good sweetener that balances the fauna and flora in our digestive system. It kills a lot of the bad bacteria in the mouth. After I brush and floss my teeth I take a half of a teaspoon and put it in my mouth until it liquefies, then I swish it around until the sweetness is gone. It really reduces the amount of time I have to brush my teeth and reduces the plaque. Several mouth washes are starting to use it and even many breath fresheners.

    Many toothpastes and mouthwashes have sugar which are the perfect food for plaque and odor causing flora.

    You can find Zylitol in many health food stores.

  4. take good care of your teeth

    please answer.

  5. Chewing sugar-free gum can help.

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