I have itunes and i already have like 200 plus songs downloaded that i paid for from the itunes music store. But now, im getting REALLY sick of paying 1 dollar each song. Does anybody know what i should use that works with my ipod.
I dont want anything that will make my computer slow!
and i dont really care if it costs money like 10 to 15 dollars a month for unlimited songs.
i was thinking like either napster, rhapsody, or realplayer. (other suggestions would be great except i dont really want lime wire b/c i heard its bad for your comp.)
do any of those work with the ipod?
also, there are two versions of realplayer on their website-one is free and one costs like 40 bucks... do both of them work with the ipod of just the 40 dollar one?
and also...rhapsody has songs too right not just vidoes??
please help me "//. haha thanks