
What is the best way to get stronger neck mussels?

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Well, i am a girl and i have really week neck mussels.

when ever i tilt my head back i have to struggle to get it back up...

how can i make them stronger?




  1. There are several neck exerices you can do some with weights, some without.

    You can kneel on the floor, then put your head on the floor with as much weight on your head as you feel comfortable. Then move your head from forward and backward. You can also move side to side. Be careful not to move too far and put too much body weight on your head at first.

    There are also device that you can put on your head that you put weights on that you can do movements with. They can be found at almost any sporting goods store and/or Walmart.

  2. have s*x for 2 days straight

  3. i would go see a physio therapist- they are trained in that area, and can give you all kinds of exercises just for your special problem.

  4. I agree with the first answer.

    Do not take any advice from people for neck exercises because it is actually a dangerous area.

    Ask your doctor or a chiropractor.

  5. first step is to spell muscles right... There is supposed to be some machine you can use at the gym but i cant recall the name.

  6. If you can swim, then swimming reguarly should help you gain strength in your neck muscles.  

  7. Pilates... along with other benefits, you'll always be working to support your head, thus over time producing stronger neck muscles.

  8. ask a doctor

  9. Ask your vet what you should feed to your "week" bi-valves.

  10. stand on your head and not fall for 30 minutes  do it every day once a day

  11. I've actually seen a strength training machine at the gym at Penn State that was meant for working out your neck muscles.  I'm not sure how many gyms would have that though.  If you have to strain to lift your head up, I guess that's a good workout in itself.  Or you could lay on your back and lift your head up as if you are doing crunches with your head.  Is your hair really long?  Maybe cutting your hair to shoulder length would help too.  I know that when my hair was waist-length my neck would be sore sometimes.

  12. Neck Bridges.  Most effective when I wrestled.

    Here's a how-to

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