
What is the best way to get the smell of animal urine out of the carpet?

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What is the best way to get the smell of animal urine out of the carpet?




  1. Get them to vomit or defecate on the same spot

  2. Use a vinegar and water solution, or baking soda and water diluted ! Spray it on and then lay a clean absorbent towel on the spots and push down, DO NOT rub it, absorb any urine as soon as possible, then try the above! They also sell Urine sprays at stores but I don't know ho well they work.

  3. Basically, you're going to have to get the cleaner to soak into the carpet as far down as the urine soaked.  Then you're going to have to get the carpet dry.

    Check the old rec.pets.cats faqs for a number of methods that work -- I prefer enzymatic cleaners, myself.

  4. This is an inexpensive and very effective way to get the smell out of a rug that has many stains.  Obtain a rug doctor from your local Wal-Mart or hardware store.  Mix the carpet cleaner as directed.  Instead of buying an expensive additive to get the urine smell out, add about 6 oz of hydrogen peroxide to each tank.  After cleaning a carpet thoroughly with this solution, the smell will be gone.  The smell comes from active bacteria.  This solution kills the bacteria which keeps the smell from coming back.  I was a landlord for many years and saved carpets with this technique that were urine saturated.  Hydrogen peroxide is color safe and will not take the color out either.

    If you just have a few small spots, I would just pour the hydrogen peroxide directly on the spots, let them sit for about 30 minutes and then press each spot with a white towel until you no longer you no longer get any yellow color from the area and the area is dry.  

    You may have to clean the carpeting twice with the rug cleaner, and with the spot cleaner to get 100% effective.

  5. remove the carpet AND padding.

  6. Natures Miracle. It has enzymes that actually eat the urine until its gone. It is not instant. It takes a few days, but when its gone it's gone. If it's cat urine use the formula that is especially for cat urine.Now this all depends on the amount of urine that is in the carpet. If its extremely saturated you are not going to permanently be rid of it no matter what you do, other than removing the carpet and Kilzing the floor.

  7. Things You’ll Need:

    Rubber Gloves

    Bacteria/enzyme Cleaners

    X-Mat brand Pet Stain Removers

    Several Paper Towels

    Carpet Shampoos


    Blot new stains with paper towels.


    Lay a large amount of paper towels on the stain.


    Apply gentle pressure to the stain by stepping on paper towels.


    Replace stained paper towels with fresh ones.


    Stand on paper towels to increase pressure.


    Remove towels.


    Apply a specialized stain- and odor-removing bacteria/enzyme cleaner.


    Apply carpet shampoo.


    Rinse with warm water.


    If the stain has already dried, dilute it with water before following these steps.

    You may want to wear rubber gloves.

  8. Weeell, I don't have pets, but what works for many disgusting smells, (including when a drunken lout pukes in your car) is pouring about a half to a full cup of coffee on it. The next day you simply vaccum the grounds up... and the carpet is fine! Might work for urine, as well. Worth a try...

  9. I have never tried it, but I  heard boiling hot water.  Pour it on, and soak it up with an old towel.  Keep doing it until the smell is gone.

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