
What is the best way to get very good speed endurance for running the 400m?

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I ad 15 and male. I just switched from 1500m to 400m. I can get 56seconds for 400m but i know i can get close to 50secs with a bit of training. I always tighten up and lose time on the last 100m. I need better speed endurance soi can run a fast last 100m. How do you improve speed endurance?




  1. What u r looking for is interval and rep training. Intervals are basically longer periods and distances run at a slower pace than your race pace and reps are short bursts, usually about race pace, for 100m 200m 400m (not race pace for 400m). Look up interval and rep workouts online and you should also be doing some aerobic runs (~60-75 % of ur max hr).

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