
What is the best way to get your horse use to a bath and clippers?

by Guest63093  |  earlier

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everytime i go to clis or bath her she trys and climbs everything insight and i am afraid she is gonna hurt herself.




  1. The first answer is pretty good. Just remember to take it slow. First make sure she's ok in the cross ties (if not work on this before anything else). Then make sure she's ok with being touched all over. After that, bring out the clippers or hose without it being on and allow her to look at it.

    Remember not to reprimand for curiosity, because that's a good thing. And give her lots and lots of praise. Even if you don't use treats for regular training, they're often great at helping a horse overcome fear.  

  2. DO NOT USE A TWITCH OR LEAD SHANK!!! This will not do anything other than scare her and possibly make her permanentlyy fearful!  Take it slooowly! Just run the clippers somewhere nearby, maybe while she eats or as you feed her treats. Let it be a positiveexperiencee every time! I know this sounds stupid, but this is how I train my horses to clip: Run your hands all over her face, ears, etc. while making a buzzing noise with your mouth. Gently pull on the hairs, as this often happens when clipping. Also, tickle her a little bit with your fingers while you are doing this, because it does tickle to be clipped! You want her curious, not afraid, so let her play with them with her mouth while they are off. Progress to running them closer to her, but not touching her with them. Again, take it slowly!

    As for bathing, run the water near by and let her get used to the noise. Start by just washing her legs, than move up from there.

    Do NOT try to teach clipping or bathing in one lesson! These things take time! Also: praise, praise, praise! Horses like it when they please us.    

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