
What is the best way to get your pecs bigger?

by  |  earlier

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like as in weight training..what should i do to get them bigger?




  1. butterflies and chest press =]

  2. Incline bench press seems to work best for me.  Google the H I T workout routine.  Ever since I discovered it, I have had great gains in the gym.

  3. you need to target all 4 areas of you chest i suggest you follow this routine

    incline dumbbell press 4x 8-12

    incline bench(heavy) 2x 8-12

    close grip bench 4x8-12

    dumbbell flyes 4x8-12

    pullover 4x8-12

    decline dumbbell bench 4x8-12

    this is an ok mass builder for a novice as i imagine you are but if your not e-mail me and i'll send you a much harder chets workout

  4. bench press and chest flies......i actually read somethin on that suggested u only perform one chest exercise (such as the bench press) during a workout instead of multiple chest exercises.....think about it, why finish ur workout with chest flies when ur already exhausted and could not possibly perform as many reps as u could if it were the first and only chest exercise u performed

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