
What is the best way to go about a jump on a dirtbike (2 stroke)?

by Guest55580  |  earlier

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Also what to do in case of a nose dive or if your front comes up to high on you?




  1. If you are racing a 4 stroke is probably the best choice, but if you are jumping you should probably go for a 2 stroke

  2. depending on how big a jump is go up not full speed but when you get close jam the throttle back and let the power band kick in and you can fly over any jump

  3. make sure as you approach the ramp you are in the right gear so you can hit the ramp with your engine in the middle of the powerband. then rev it out as you hit the ramp. never get off the throttle till you're in the air. if you go into a nose dive rev it out n try to lean back. if you're front high pull in the clutch n tap the rear brake. ride on

  4. First locate jump ride over take for a couple of test runs to find the best line and get the feel of the take off. Then ride over your landing area for the best line, or ruts in dirt bike case. Once you got your line you know where you want to be. Now on your approach you want to preload the suspension to get maximum lift, so you will be standing all the way til your about at the 10 to 20 ft from the base of the take off ramp. Then you sit down to (preload). As you continue to accelerate you will go up the ramp you must stand up at the peak or near peak this point is critical as this will dictate your height and distance. It's a combination of the suspension release and the lift from the ramp will give you the air needed to clear the gap. Now once your in the air you can control your angle with you throttle and your brake remember this (throttle = more front tire lift) (rear brake= lower front tire) Now the landing you look where you wanted to land, and you need to put about 75% of the landing on rear tire, the rest on the front and lean back. Hope this helps. 10 years of racing motocross and i enjoyed every second. "It's better to be a racer for a second, than a spectator for a lifetime"

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