
What is the best way to go about approaching large department/retail stores for donations for non-profit...

by Guest44652  |  earlier

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hospital event?

I have been advised to contact the community directors of the stores but I am not sure how to start the conversation, never did this type of thing before, and do not want to sound stupid or give a first bad impression.

Any suggestions?




  1. I once had to solicit donations for a children's hospital charity.  The best way to go about doing it is to get a group of people who can help you with the solicitations.  

    BEST TIP #1

    Do not bother to contact any retailers you do not know the owners or staff.  I have also worked in retail so I can tell you that I would get hit up with solicitations all the time and unless I knew the customer, I wouldn't bother with providing donation items.  However, if I knew the customer, I would go out of my way to help them.

    BEST TIP #2

    In retail, it is preferable to donate goods VS. money.  Find out if your non-profit can initiate a donation receipt or confirmation letter for tax deducations.  Be flexible.  While you can certainly request certain items if you have a theme, in retail you sometimes have dead items or things that didn't sell well that can easily be donated.  I would get irritated when charities would demand brand new stock which I could easily sell.

    BEST TIP #3

    Think about how you are going to acknowledge the businesses donation.  While donations are certainly great for participating in the community, not all business owners are altruistic.  Figure out how you are going to acknowledge businesses to thank them.  For some businesses, the donation can be justified if it will provide promotional value.  E.G. Acknowledgement in a program, website with a link, on-site sign recognition, in flyers, etc.

    BEST TIP #4

    Make sure you thank donors.  If it's a charity event, if possible try to give away tickets or invitations to the donors rather than charge them.  Provide a thank you card.  If it's a hospital event, can patients sign a card?


    I found I had no difficulty in obtaining donations.  The key is for each person on the donation committee to think of all the places they do business.  E.G. Their hairdresser, massage therapist, video store, book store, grocery store, etc.  These are the first places I would contact for either goods or gift certificates for goods and/or services.

  2. 1. Create a good portfolio online website.

    2. Go to the targeted website, you will have the list of directors and CEOs contacts and email.

    3. Email them your points and link to your works.

    4. Try this out routinely.

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