
What is the best way to go about becoming a teacher?

by  |  earlier

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I have a bachelor's degree, but it is fine arts. (Graphic design) I have often thought that maybe I should have gone for a teaching degree instead. I would enjoy teaching English a great deal. I understand it's not an easy field to get into though. But with a bachelor's degree already in hand what further would I have to do? Thanks for any and all advice




  1. check with your local college/university.  Teachers are in high demand and there are many programs that only take a year.  At most, you might have to go back to school for 18 - 24 months; depending on your teaching practicum.  Good luck!

  2. um i pretty sure if u wanted to teach english u would have to do another 4 year bachelor's degree in teaching, but if it where art u wanted to tach i think u can do an extra 2 years post grad for that

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