
What is the best way to handle to get my money after I took my pet to the vet?

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OK. I took my 12 weeks old to the vet for FVRCP yesterday . As I noticed when I held her and her body was in hot temperature. I checked her with temparature tool and it measured that it was high. ... If its problem occurs , to whom I need to report to?




  1. You need to take your puppy to another vet. I have taken my dog to one vet and then had to turn right around and take her to another because the first vet did nothing to solve the problem. vets are paople, and some of them are just not very good or they have no experience with the problem your dog has.

  2. I agree with your first responder:  take you dog to another vet for a second opinion NOW!  

    If you value your pet, you don't let it suffer while you figurer out how to "report" what you think is improper treatment by the first vet.  You find another vet and get the pet seen and cared for and you ASK the second vet about the temperature.  Make sure you ask if you took the animal's temperature correctly.  Make sure you learn how to treat the fever, if the animal has one.  Make sure you ask how soon the fever might abate.

    Don't sit and stew about "what if a problem occurs".  Your pet's health is more important than stewing about any "what if" !

    I have no idea what a FVRCP is.  You forgot that we're not all from your area and we don't know what you're talking about -!-

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