
What is the best way to improve my English?

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I study English for long time, but can't speak properly...




  1. you have to read novels, you know alot... and listen to some music; watching movies helps too....

  2. read books and speak it more. practice and learn words.  

  3. Follow the media of your interest that uses English, be it newspaper, novels, DVD movies with subtitles, Music and songs, or web chats and broadcasts. Important thing is the learning process should be enjoyable. Reading and writing can be picked up from media but the best way to pick up conversational English is to practise with some one. You don’t mention your mother tongue. I think the idea of regular mutual exchange with someone who wants to learn your language is ideal. Good luck

  4. it depends

    in america, no one really talks the way they write. You have to interact with average americans, because there are many many words we say differently than they are written. youll improve ur english very fast if you use english in your daily life, and interact with english-speakers

  5. Whatch movies in original version (with English subtitles, if it's posible), that's how I'm learning.

  6. 1.Read American story books.Start with pre-intermediate and work your way up to advanced.

    2.Watch American movies with English subtitles.

    3.Speak with someone who knows English in your family,or if there's none,try online.


  7. If you are about to perfect your English, you must be prepared to work hard for at least 6 months or a year depending on your diligence and ability.

    The good thing is that it does not necessarily have to be boring. If you sit down and start studying books you are certain to give up within weeks. The ideal way of learning English is simply moving to a native English speaking country and live there. If you can not do that, you should imitate the native environment and surround yourself with English speakers.

    Believe me, learning from real people is much more fun and effective than studying books or talking to computer software.

    Here is an account of how I managed to learn English after serious difficulties

    There is a service on this site where you can put your questions to expert teachers and they will answer it in a video for free:

  8. If you want you can send me an e-mail. If you are having trouble with pronunciations then I can make some recommendations. If it is sentence structure then e-mails would work easier.  

  9. you can watch movies in original language.. or you con improve your english with a CD_interactive where you can also speak and so, you can hear your pronunciation.

  10. One way is reading or watching english movies, but the best way is to communicate with other people in english.. =) You'll learn a lot..

  11. lots of television time....also spend some time with children....they teach it to you correctly and watch kid's shows on tv that speak correct english.

  12. go and stay in a country where they speak english.  this is the best way to learn a language.

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