
What is the best way to introduce cats to a new home after a move?

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I am moving at the weekend and would like it to be as easy on my two cats as possible. Whats the best way to do this? As it will all seem so strange to them as its the first time they have moved. They are two 5 month old boys.




  1. Hi,  First I would put them into carriers for the trip, then when you arrive they could be put in a room with the door closed, (away from the boxes and k-os.

    Then from time to time during the day, go in and sit with them.   When things calm down let them explore another room.  Make sure to show them where the k-littler will be as they will be upset and may have an accident.  

    If they are cats who go outside please make sure you take them out on a leash or harness for the first few times so that they can become familiar with there surroundings, so many cats get lost in new places.  Good luck with your boys and your new home.

  2. We would always put butter on their paws. Just a little bit. As they l**k it off it gets rid of the old scent and absorbs the new one. This should also stop them from marking the house.

  3. When you get to the new home place the cats in the litter box and let them explore from there.  That way they will know where that is. If they don't "find" their food after awhile you'll want to set them in front of that as well.

  4. usually cats do not like a change of surroundings, but it will only take maybe a week for them to get used to their new home. introduce them one at a time by setting their carrying case in the middle of the living room, (or the biggest room in the house) and opening it slowly. they will probably be frightened, so give them treats upon their arrival. they might go into a corner, or they might explore, it all depends. but don't worry, they will get used to the place in time.

    good luck!

  5. Set up the litter box and put the cats in the box.  let the cats roam.

    Be warned, they will mark the house.  Stock up on some Nature's Miracle.

  6. We moved last year with 3 cats.  A 9 yr old cat and two year old kittens, none of them had ever moved before.  We brought the cushions from our old couch with us, their litter box and food bowls.  We let them stay in the old place as long as we could while the moving process was going on; I didn't want them tripping someone up while carrying something heavy, or slipping outside while the doors were propped open.  So by the time they got the the new apt., all the familiar furniture was there.  They sniffed around a bit; the oldest hid under the desk with the couch cushion for a while.  No one had any accidents or anything, and they handled it all really well.  

  7. Moving is always stressful for cats- You have carriers for them? If so be sure to cover the carriers while transporting them- make it dark so they can't see out side- this reduces that stress- if it is hot where you are you may want to throw some ice packs in with them to help keep them cool- be sure to put it under something so they don't puncture it-

    Once at their new home, designate a room just for them for the first two weeks or so- put their water, food and litter box in there- then once they are comfy there they can wonder into the rest of the house but having their own room initially helps them threw the trasition- good luck

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