
What is the best way to invest my money?

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What is the best way to invest my money?




  1. Depends on your age - If very young U can be 80% of the time more agressive in your investments - If you wish to have your money work for you instead of having it working for some big shot company, then invest in companies that pay dividends monthly  or quarterly - Check out Canadian Trusts - Do not settle for less than 5 or 6 % annually. Personally I do not take less than 10% -

  2. It depends on how risk averse you are.  

  3. Only you can really answer that question.

    However, a great place to start for a novice investor is  They have free tools that help you find the right investment for your situation.  They also charge extremely low fees.

  4. There are many factors that come into play here.  I personally like investing in stocks on my own.  With mutual funds you are paying fees, CDs and Bonds don't get a big enough return for me at my age.  If you don't know much about investing in the stock market get a few books and start investing slow.  Who wants your money to return the most it can more than you.  Do some researching and take control of your investments.  :)

  5. I believe the best way to grow your money is with consistent short term gains.  They can add up.

  6. e-mail  and  we'll  talk , a  sure  thing.

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