I'm Going for basic training and tech school for the Air Force Reserve in a couple of months, and I'm gonna be gone for about 6-7 months, and i hope to bring back around 10,000 dollars. With high foreclosures i thought about investing in real estate becausei'm learning how to fix up houses with my parent's handy man, but then i want to open a brokerage account and go through and study the risks of the stock market because I love to gamble, especially with money i can afford to lose. And i think it would be fun to study companies, and see where they're going with it. I wanna bring a lot of books about investing in real estate and in the stock market when i go to basic training. So iI'mbasically asking 3 things...
What Books should i read? Whats a good 2-3 year investment strategy to get into so ill have money when i get out of college, and Whats a good long term thing to get into so when i have a family i'll be able to afford all the things i want and my family wants?