
What is the best way to keep ear buds?

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Has anyone else noticed that ear buds only last about 2-6 months?

Well I have, and I am getting annoyed with them tearing up so easily.

Its not like I mistreat the product.

But are they poorly made?

I am tired of spending good money and they break.

Can YOU tell me a good way to keep these buds in a condition that they will last me longer?

Thanks so much for the help

I will choose best answer.




  1. I don't know what kind of listening device you have.  If you have an MP3 player, these are wonderful.  This is an example, it's an iPod Touch jacket, but they have others if you don't have the Touch.

    It keeps the cord from getting tangled, which causes unnecessary stress on the wires.  It also keeps the ear-buds safe from getting crushed and holds the wire outward from the plug to keep it from shorting out there.  

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