
What is the best way to kill house centipedes?

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These things are just FAST, and hide where I can't get them. They're VILE.

Any good traps I can use, and where can I get them?




  1. I have the same problem in NY. Everywhere I go, there are tons of those stupid ugly things. I tried a product and I noticed I don't really see any bugs in my house any more. It's called Home Insect Control by Hot Shot. It's a clear and odorless spray that you spray all around your house (around baseboards, entries, cracks). It's just a suggestion but it's cheap and beats hiring an exterminator. It kills them if you pray it directly on them as well.Get a dehumidifier as well. They need humidity or their bodies dry out. Glue Traps are also good, but I have seen some of the larger ones pull of a few of their own legs and get away. all you have  one your traps are legs..ugh...hope this helps and seriously, good luck.I am petrified of them. :>)

  2. Boric acid won't do a thing for the house centipede. For boric acid, the insect must ingest the poison and it must react with protozoa in the insect's gut. Though these insects, like most, do clean themselves, they're not interested in eating anything the boric acid is sitting on, so the chances of the centipede getting a lethal dose is near zero.

    That being said, beyond basic pest control to include checking all the weatherstripping at your home, especially your doors, go to the store and find one of these:

    They have zero pesticides and can be placed nearly anywhere. Just put them where you've seen the centipedes. Do not throw them away when you catch one. Leave them until they're too full of dust to be sticky, or until there's no room for another bug at all.

    A caught centipede is just as good as a dead centipede. Using these, replacing worn/missing weatherstripping and a pesticide application will give you great results.

  3. Centipedes are not only vile, they have a painful bite and can cause a bad allergic reaction. Catch them with sticky glue traps. I think flea bombs with pyrethrin will kill them. Boric acid will take care of the problem long term, but I'd use the flea bombs first. Spread boric acid along baseboards, but take precautions if you have children and/or pets. These are the least hazardous methods and will also get  rid of the delicious, smaller insects that attract centipedes. Clear away debris, including wet towels on the floor, and dry out any damp places in the house, like a cabinet under a sink. Caulk holes where centipedes enter your home, and move firewood/trash/tarps/mulch, etc., away from the house. Watch for standing water from the air conditioner. This is a lot of work, but it will also help eliminate termites, fleas, mosquitoes, and other pesky critters. There are many more toxic and expensive solutions on the insecticide shelf at the discount and hardware stores, but there are no magic potions that will work unless you do the cleaning and sealing also.

  4. You need a bug killer. go to your phone book and look in yellow pages and look for bug killer verminators etc.

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